Monday, October 03, 2005

Why the silence?

The ink seems to have dried up from the pens of the writers who took great pleasure in demonizing the American and British administrations vis-à-vis the “immoral” war in Iraq. These writers would have us believe that they could have struck a deal with the likes of Ho Chi Minh, Stalin and Saddam over a cup of afternoon tea. But what about Iran and their defiance surrounding their nuclear ambitions? Why the silence? Contrary to what the modern incarnation of Averroës would have us believe; the problems in Muslim countries are not the result of the imperialistic, western Zionist forces. If western nations completely severed ties with these countries, especially the major faces of political Islam today – Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan – it would not end there. The fact is, we have an ideology on our hands which will not be satisfied until Israel, along with the Jewish people, are wiped completely off the map. Of course some “moderate” leaders in the Middle East, vehemently deny this. Yet their denials are phrased in such a way as to pacify the western leaders, whilst simultaneously, not offending the terrorists. Ironically, western democratic leaders could learn something from the theocratic public relations machinery in the Middle East that automatically kicks in after attacks in the west. We seem to have forgotten that the communists sometimes followed a policy of peaceful coexistence when it seemed convenient? Whilst they seem to have forgotten the words of David: “He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:4).