Monday, June 07, 2004

Want out of debt? Overcome greed

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender – Proverbs 22:7

Borrowing has become interwoven into our lives, unfortunately so has debt. We are racking up billions of it according to a recent press report. Materialism is the root of the debt problem and Satan is lord of materialism. Materialism is the lie Satan whispers to you that: “You will be happier if you have more money, possessions and power.” This lie fosters discontent which breeds greed and greed gives birth to debt. It is designed to keep you in bondage and keep your eyes off the truth.

Before borrowing, honestly answer this question: Is the monthly bondage payment worth getting this possession now? Barring an overwhelming need to borrow, don’t. More money equals more problems, whether you owe it or own it. Debt causes a denial of reality. An author commenting on American society writes, “we drive our bank-financed cars, running on credit car gas, to open a department-store charge account so we can fill our savings and loan-funded homes with installment-purchased furniture. We’re living a lie and hocking the future to finance it.” I would dare venture to say that we have copied this lifestyle from our North American counterparts. We have unlimited powers to rationalize. Do not rationalize your debt habit. Recognize that debt is not a matter of insufficient funds, rather insufficient self-control. A person in much debt with little income, will be in much debt with much income.

There is a debt which we could never repay. Christ paid it for all at Calvary. The only debt that should remain outstanding is to love one another (Rom 13:8). The truth is you were made for one person (Jesus) and one place (Heaven). Until both conditions are met, you will never be genuinely happy. As you reflect on that remember, all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Let material things serve their use but let the spiritual be the object of your desire.