Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Article link: Rastafarianism, A brief Christian critique

C.S. Lewis warned about trying to reason with people who are "always shifting their ground". Members of this movement are a prime example of what Lewis was talking about.

For example, a local writer who as far as I can tell is a Rastafari, made the following comment, "Even worse – as history can attest – these groups are quite prepared, if conversion fails, to persecute, conquer and, if necessary, burn at the stake and kill those who do not share their beliefs. The Old Testament is replete with commands to slaughter all the people of another faith – all in the name of God."

Yet, on another day, they will use the Old Testament to (a) justify the smoking of weed or (b) trace the lineage of Haile Selassie to "prove" he was a seed out of the line of David.

I find this a bit odd. On one hand we demonize The Bible, then when opportunity knocks, we gladly quote it and reference it to suit our agenda. The article is pretty informative and I agree with its conclusion, "Rastafarianism is a web whose strands are not easily broken or escaped."

Read the full article here...