Wednesday, September 06, 2006

New DVD: Has Christianity Failed You?

Has Christianity failed you? The barriers to belief in the Christian gospel often reach far beyond the intellect as we search for truth and meaning in a fallen world. Too many people have been disappointed or hurt by the church and/or individual Christians -- and then, have turned away from Christianity, harboring deep-seated feelings of distrust and bitterness.

On May 11, 2006, Ravi Zacharias and Michael Ramsden, before a sold-out audience at Atlanta’s renowned Fox Theatre, tackled the seeming failure of Christianity to respond with relevance and compassion in real-world experiences.

"That’s how it has failed us – when it becomes part of the judgment that divides us rather than the Grace that unites us."

Disc One replays that dramatic evening, with both messages, plus a 35 minute Q&A session in which some of the most difficult personal conflicts were voiced by earnest seekers. On Disc Two, Ravi and Michael continue to respond to those questions that could not be addressed during the evening because of time constraints; as well as other bonus features. This set is jam-packed with content!

Order your copy from RZIM (I put mine in yesterday) ;)