Monday, September 25, 2006

Letter to the Editor: September 25, 2006

THE RELIGIONISTS don't know where hell is, or if such a place really exists. They can't even decide what hell is. Which one is it? It is the lake of fire (Rev: 20:10) or the pit (Rev 11:7)? Or is it a place where you will be given oozing puss to drink like the Qur'aan describes (Ch 14:16)? Or a place where you'll be roasted (Qur'aan 17:18)? Or a prison (Qur'aan 17:8)? Also, how did the pit get there?

How did a big place of fire get beneath us? Did God create it down there? Why is it that scientists haven't discovered it yet, being that they have dug holes straight down to the centre of the earth?

Why is it you can't find hell if it really is a place that exists? Scientists have listened to the ground; they have all kinds of advanced technical equipment with computers.
Have they heard crackling fires? No!!! Because hell is a state of mind. It is what you make it. It exists within you, for each one will pattern his or her hell according to what he/she believes it is. They don't hear anyone down there screaming or hollering from any torture. So what makes you believe that there is someplace "down there" where you will go if you are a sinner?

The Bible? Let's be real! There's nothing in the Bible has been proven to be fact yet. You can't even prove that the characters in it ever existed, let alone a place called hell! The hell that your preachers, teachers, pastors, rabbis, imams and sheikhs preach to you about is another trick to keep you trapped under religion. We need right knowledge.


I wouldn't even waste time responding to that nonsnense. It is quite funny though. Especially the part that reads, "The Bible? Let's be real! There's nothing in the Bible has been proven to be fact yet. You can't even prove that the characters in it ever existed, let alone a place called hell!" There are some objections that are so asinine, that I think you discredit Christendom by even responding. This is one of them. I'm even surprised it was published. But I'm not completely surprised, the Nation is not exactly a newspaper for serious readers.