Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hypocrisy with the problem of pain

In addressing the British Humanist Association (The Voltaire Lectures), Richard Dawkins maintains that there is no such thing as evil. We are just “dancing to our DNA” he says. Evil simply does not exist. On the other hand another antagonist of religious faith, clearly acknowledges the existence of evil by asking: “Where is God?” (who isn’t supposed to exist by the way) in light of human pain and suffering.

Truth be told, we do not judge pain and suffering on unprejudiced moral assessments, but on what is painful to us. We do not ask “Where is God?” when our behaviour is questionable. The reason is simple. We do not want God sniffing around in the darker recesses of our own lives. Gregory Koukl of Stand to Reason sums it up nicely: “We don’t really want God to stop us from hurting others; we only cry foul when He doesn’t stop others from hurting us.”