Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Article link: Relativism Self-Destructs

The demon of our age, relativism, was addressed by a letter writer in today's edition of the Daily Nation. The writer correctly points out that, "When you follow the logic, relativist arguments will always contradict themselves." That is why relativism, a direct result of post-modernism, is manifestly false (and that is being charitable folks).

Gregory Koukl, of Stand to Reason, has a good article which speaks to this. You are bound to come across a relativist, sooner rather than later. It is therefore useful to recognize it for what it is, a logical fallacy. Read more here...

Another good resource is the May/June 2005 issue of Solid Ground, which contains A Premier on Moral Relativism. You *might* have to register as an ambassador on Stand to Reason to access the link though.