Tuesday, November 22, 2005

On the lighter side

Google has recently released an updated version of their Google Earth software. It’s quite fascinating. You can zoom in to near ground level from Six Men’s to Oistins. Not to worry, you can’t see actual people (yet). Maybe these satellite images are straight from Illuminati headquarters. You remember the Illuminati don’t you? The secret reptilian group of alien shape-shifters who secretly run the world. At least that is what David Icke and his beloved band of followers would have us believe. Mind you, this the same David Icke who claimed to be the “son of the godhead.” Really now. It is certainly too late to come to the public with such drivel. Typical of us men to write such nonsense. I wasn’t convinced at first, but maybe it’s true that, “Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.”