Monday, August 29, 2005

Racism reloaded: reparations for slavery

Reparations for slavery, has to be the biggest piece of hogwash, save evolution. Reparations are usually done on the basis of some sort of justice. I am astounded by the “justice” that says: black person A is wronged by white person B, therefore hundreds of years later, white person C has to give money to black person D. Whilst we are at it, let us totally ignore the fact that some blacks were involved in the trading their “fellow” blacks. Listen, the individuals who have harmed and who were harmed are long dead: get over it. After receiving reparations, what next? Do we then agitate for the legalization of weed so we can all “light up de chalice”? Perhaps though I’ve been brain-washed by seeing too many pictures of “the white Jesus” (whoever that is).