Monday, March 21, 2005

Building a 'NISE' Society

The National Initiative for Service Excellence is a very noble idea. We can train people and expose them to the best motivational speakers on the planet. We can repeat a million and one customer-centric slogans, until we turn blue in the face. They will not be carried out though, until we learn to love our neighbour as ourselves. We cannot learn to love our neighbours, until we learn to love God. And, it is only in loving God that we will obey Him. The quest to build a ‘NISE’ society, begins with the relationship between man and God. We can spend tons of money on training and campaigns and still be subjected to poor service, simply because at the end of the day…we do not love our neighbours as ourselves. If we did, we would treat them accordingly. Think about this: If someone does not care one iota about obeying their Creator, who gives them life, what makes you think they will treat you any better? It is common sense really: No genuine respect for God, no genuine respect for fellow man.