Thursday, May 13, 2004

The 'Free Ticket Letter'

“The soul is a spiritual thing, riches are an earthly extract, and how can these fill a spiritual substance? How man does thirst after the world, but alas, it falls short of his expectation. It cannot fill the hiatus and longing of his soul” – Thomas Watson.

I’m quite amazed at how many people actually buy into gambling. The Bible does not explicitly forbid gambling. However, there are several biblical principles that should make one think twice. Proverbs (28:20,22) warns of disaster for people who want to get rich quickly. In Proverbs (13:11) we learn that wealth that comes easily goes just as easily. Easy come… easy go. Worst of all it is addictive…right up there with deadliest vices. The moral high ground is often taken by claiming that we are supporting ‘worthy causes’. How comforting. Actually…people don’t gamble to support ‘worthy causes’…people gamble to support their own cause and win ‘nuff cash’. Quit pretending already. Gambling is really a secret tax on people who are bad at math.

It is cheap to play the odds. Thing is, we always (not sometimes) end up paying dearly chasing after what is cheap. Gambling can never do a better job than God in providing your needs (not to be confused with everything your heart desires). If we came from nothing…anything would go (including gambling, murder and theft). Anything doesn’t though…since we ‘ought not to’… say…gamble, murder or steal. Our morals come from an absolute moral wisdom (of God). Keep God out of the equation and you will always come up with the wrong answer. Thing is, so many are bad at math.

So you’re still thinking of all the things that you can do with that money? Well, I’m not a gambling man…but I bet it will (not might) turn into…“My God, look what all this money has done to me.” Who “owns” who? Something to think about as you stand in line to purchase that ticket.